By: Jesca Nawatti

Makerere University Walter Reed Project- Emerging Infectious Disease Program (MUWRP EIDP) team conducted a week-long technical assistance visit at Gulu Region Referral Hospital between 1st February and 5th February 2021. The visit aimed at further building the capacity of health workers involved in influenza and antimicrobial resistance surveillance.
With support from the US Department of Defense’s Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch – Global Emerging Infections Surveillance (GEIS), MUWRP has been supporting early detection and response to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases since 2009. Gulu Regional Referral Hospital is one of the surveillance sites for MUWRP’s EIDP activities.
Following the inception of the surveillance of Influenza like Illness (ILL) at GRRH other protocols have been introduced, including; the Surveillance of Acute Febrile Illness studies (AFI-Uganda) in 2018 and Anti-Microbial Resistance Protocol (April 2019 still ongoing).
Lab technicians at Gulu undergoing WHONET training The ILI-SARI Protocol training at Gulu RRH

We will keep you posted about this activity.