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Amidst the COVID 19 Pandemic and its challenges, MUWRP continues to offer essential Health care services with different interventions to mitigate the spread of COVID 19.  Such interventions include; supporting an expanded IPC training and Mentorship Program in the region to mitigate the spread of COVID 19 and other communicable diseases.

A total of 80 Health workers were trained during the Training of Trainers (Tot) from Kayunga,

Mukono, Buikwe and Buvuma. TOTs conduct mentorship visits to create and improve IPC structures, support facilities appoint IPC focal persons and general improvements on infection prevention practices such as screening of both staff and patients, Hand and respiratory hygiene, Social Distance, proper use of PPE, Sterilisation, adequate waste management etc.

Vaccination against COVID 19 Infection: WHO recommends that at least 70% of the population above 12 years should be fully vaccinated with at least two doses to adequately provide prevention against the infection. MUWRP with support from PEPFAR and in collaboration with the MOH, local Governments and other partners have supported demand creation, Last mile delivery of the supplies/logistics, implementation of the vaccination exercise in the region.

To further limit the spread of the COVID 19 infection, MUWRP procured and installed virtual training and meeting mechanisms. This reduces personnel interaction and limits the spread of the SARS COV 2 infection. MUWRP procured an annual Zoom licences for the region, computers for DHT and Facilities, Internet provision etc. MUWRP is setting up a centre of excellence at the Kayunga regional referral Hospital to work as Training as well as mentorship centre to the other lower Facilities in the region.

Personal protective Equipment (PPE): With support from PEPFAR, MUWRP donated a wide range of PPE materials for the Districts, DHT and Health facilities, meant to protect the Health workers and the general population. A Health Worker protection tool was also developed and disseminated with support from MUWRP to help Health workers have a high index of clinical suspicion, surveillance and therefore adequate management. This quick diagnosis helps to isolate the suspected cases and minimises interactions with the rest of the population at the Health facilities.

Coordination and surveillance: MUWRP continuously supports the Districts Task force meetings as well as surveillance activities for identification and prompt management of COVID 19 cases. MUWRP continues with the provision of technical and financial support to the Districts and Facilities to enhance delivery of comprehensive HIV services even amid COVID 19.